How we go on is the most frequently asked question of our lives. It is also one of the most important. Our willingness and ability to turn life’s “What now?” moments, changes, challenges, crises, losses, as well as opportunities, defines our character and determines the quality of our lives. The key to clearing the path forward to our best possible future is replacing harsh self-criticism, impatience, bitterness, and fear with self-compassion, patience, love, and courage. How to do this is the offering of this book.
“A Path Forward To Finding Joy.“
Katie Couric, former cohost, Today and CBS Evening News
“A Must-Have Guide.“
Ken Blanchard, co-author, The One Minute Manager
“A beacon of light.”
Arielle Ford, author of The Love Thief
“Every line captivated me.”
Sid Zisook, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, UC San Diego

“How We Go On” by Ken Druck, Ph.D. is a profound guide to navigating life’s challenges, from personal losses to everyday hurdles. The book offers practical advice on resilience, gratitude, and creating a lasting positive impact. Suitable for readers of all ages, it’s an inspiring roadmap for finding joy amidst adversity. Highly recommended.
– Reader’s Favorite
Dr. Ken Druck’s pioneering work on how to go on in times of adversity, after a loss, overcoming a family crisis, mastering the issues of aging as we get older and becoming good citizens of our historical experiment in democracy have contributed to quality of life for millions of people. His bestselling books, appearances on national television, coaching of leaders in business and government and visionary leadership have established him as a great thought leader of our time. Ken’s personal journey after the tragic death of his daughter, Jenna, and his ground-breaking work with bereaved families have led him to discover how we go on from life’s worst losses. Turning what he has learned into a master class for dealing with life’s most daunting changes, challenges, losses, and opportunities, Ken Druck uncovered the secrets of true resilience and how we go on.

“I started with the intention of scrolling through the Invitation and the last few chapters, but it was impossible. Every line captivated me and made me want to go immediately to the next one…I wish every adult could read this book and savor its many important and powerful messages.”
— Sid Zisook, M.D.,
Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Residency Program at the University of California, San Diego, Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School
“I highly recommend this fine new book by Ken Druck. Read it and put his hard-won wisdom to work for you.”
— Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.,
Author of Five Wishes and co-author of The First Rule of Ten
“Ken Druck has a knack for dealing with tough issues with grace and wisdom.”
– Necla Tschirgi, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor of Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego; former Senior Policy Advisor to the Peacebuilding Support Office at the United Nations
“If for any reason you’re asking, ‘What Now?’ read this book!”
– Simona Valancuite, President and CEO of San Diego Oasis
“An amazing book whose time has come! It’s real, it’s accurate, and it offers insights eachone of us can use. Read it, live it, and share it with everyone you know.”
— John Assaraf,
New York Times best-selling author of The Answer and Having It All and CEO of Neurogym